Kamis, 14 November 2019

DAILY REPORT 14-11-2019


Hello guys welcome back to my blog, today i am back to tell you what we are doing in kitchen at the last day we are practice before final semester. 

Very sad guys because today we are can move in we are each training place. today i am go to campus at 07:00 but before that  i am pray dawn and take bath. after that i am go to campus with my fill don't want to leave campus. 

Until arrive in campus i am take out the prepare in chiller before and i give to main kitchen and could kitchen. after all prepare in chiller out i am help in main kitchen for open order in restaurant. 

After that we are make anak bangsa and you know what what we are make for launch?? we are make Kapurung. Kapurung is one of traditional food from Luwu, and in Papua be named Papeda. terminologi papeda you can see in :

Recipe for make papeda: 

1 piece of Sago * 1 liter
2 bunch of spinach
1 bunch of long beans
1 piece of luffa
1 piece of corn
1 glass fried peanuts
5 shallots
5 pieces of curly chili 
1 packet of shrimp paste, chicken powder
Complement. Can be cooked fish, chicken or shrimp
Complement: chili sauce. Lime juice or young mango 

1. Crush the sago to separate the pulp ... dissolve it with a glass of water. then set aside
2.Boil about 4 liters of water and then pour gently a little on the sago, keep stirring until the sago is slightly thickened if it is still solid, still white clot, flush again hot water until it is chewy.
3.Prepare 2 skewers or spoon. form sago while hot on another container that contains cold water
4.Cut "vegetables. Boil 2 liters of cooking water until the vegetables wither, then remove them or separate them directly to cook with herbs
5.Saute onion. Curly chili paste. strike out with fried peanuts, salt until smooth dissolve put in the saucepan water sauce. Correct the taste and add cooked sago

6. Arrange fish vegetables, shrimp and then flush with water broth add chili sauce, lime juice

Maybe that all from me guys thanks for read my blog and see you in the training place, And PEACH OUT.



  1. Tilting pan

    tilting pan
    adalah  sebuah  alat  untuk  mengoreng,  atau  membuat  suatu  masakan yang  jumlahnya cukup  banyak. Dan   alat  ini  berbentuk segi  empat  yang  besar, dengan  sumber  panas  dari  gas  atau  listrik.  Alat  ini  dilengkapi    dengan alat pengungkit untuk  memudahkan menuangkan  masakan  kedalam  wadah,ada  yang manual  dan   ada   juga  yang electric. Digunakan untuk memasak demi glace, nasi goreng  atau  masakan  yang di tumis dalam jumlah banyak.
  2. Tilting Boiling pan ( car boiler )

    tilting boiling pan
    adalah   alat   untuk  merebus  air  atau  membuat masakan  yang  berupa  cairan  seperti  soup  atau  sauce dalam jumlah banyak, dan bentuknya bulat seperti panci berukuran besar.
  3. Deep fat fryer

    deep fat fryer
    adalah   alat  untuk mengoreng dengan menggunakan minyak sangat banyak.


 1. Pancake pan 

Alat untuk membuat crepe dan pancake. Alat ini terbuat dari stainless stell dan cara membersihkan cukup menggunakan air bersih dan sedikit sabun

 2.Souffle dish

 Sebagai wadah pemanggang souffle. Alat ini terbuat dari keramik dan cara bersihkan gunakan air bersih dan sedikit sabun

3.Piping bag

Alat untuk memudahkan membuat spuit adonan. Terbuat dari plastik dan cukup digunakan sekali saja jadi tidak perlu dicuci


1. Diswasher machine

Fungsi :Mesin yang digunakan untuk mencuci peralatan dapur, piring,.cangkir, gelas,dan lain uang serupa.

Material :Stainless stell
Cara membersihkan :Untuk membersihkan bagian luar dari diswasher machine, cukup bersihkan dengan menggunakan lap basah.

2. Ring cutter

Fungsi :Alat yant digunkan sebagai pencetak berbagai jenis makanan.
Material :Plastik dan stainless stell
Cara membersihkan :Cukup basuh dengan menggunakan cairan air sabun lalu bilas dengan air.

3. Pastry whell decorator

Fungsi:Alat yang digunakan untuk memudahkan proses penghiasan kue
Material :Plastik, stainless stell
Cara membersihkan :Cukup basuh dengan menggunakan cairan air sabun lalu bilas dengan air.

4. Pastry stone

Fungsi:Peralatan yang digunakan sebagai pemberat dalam proses pembakaran ataupun proofing. Contohnya pada pembuatan pie.
Material :Stone
Cara membersihkan :Cukup lap menggunaakan napkin basah untuk membersihkannya.

5. Ladle

Fungsi :Alat ini digunakan untuk mengaduk bahan makanan yang bewujud liquid.
Material :Stainless stell
Cara membersihkan :Cukup bersihkan dengan membasuhnya dengan larutan air sabun lalu bilas dengan air bersih.

6. Grill

Fungsi :Alat yang menghantarkan panas dari bawah melalui logam atau besi. Biasanya digunakan untuk memanggang steak, sate dan lain yang serupa.
Material:Stainles dan iron
Cara membersihkan :Untuk membersihkan bagian luarnya cukup lap dengan menggunakan lap basah. Sedangkan untuk bagian yang bersentuhan langsung dengan bahan makanan dibersihkan dengan cara digosok dengan alat khusus ataupun sikat.



Function: for wash food material and wash tools utensils 
Materials: stainless steel and ceramic 
Cleaning: wash with soap and use sponge 

Meat slicer 

Function: for slice meat, vegetable, and bread into the thin slice you want, thickness can be set in away turn the button thickness setting. 
Material: stainless steel 
Cleaning: open the blade and wash with soap


Function: for warm frozen food 
Material: stainless steel and glass 
Cleaning: use wet napkin and dry it with napkin dry 


Palette knife 

Function: for mixing and leveling food in the surface 
Material: stainless steel 
Cleaning: use chemical or soap and sponge 

- Colander 

Function: for wash plate food or drying liquid from food solid
Material: stainless steel
Cleaning: soap and sponge

Egg cutter 

Function: for cut egg for average size 
Material: plastic and stainless steel 
Cleaning: use soap and sponge 



1. Glass Washer

Function: Untuk membersihkan gelas
Materials: Stainless steel
Clean: Di lap dengan kain basah yang bersih

2. Dish Warmer

Function: Untuk mengeringkan piring
Materials: Stainless steel
Clean: Di lap dengan kain bersih
Souce:  https://www.tutorialspoint.com/food_production_operations/food_production_operations_kitchen_equipment_fuel.htm

3. Juicer

Function: Untuk mengekstrah buah dan sayur
Materials: Stainless steel
Clean: Dicuci dengan air bersih dan sabun



Function: Alat yang digunakan untuk  menjepit atau mengangkat makanan, menata makanan di atas plate ataupun pada insert, dan juga mempermudah saat  membalik makanan yang di masak dalam minyak panas.
Material: Stainless steel
Clean: Gunakan larutan air sabun  untuk menghilangkan noda yang melekat di skimmer hingga bersih dan bilas dengan air bersih.

2.Rubber scrapper

Function: Alat yang digunakan untuk mengaduk adonan yang memiliki tekstur lembut, dan juga diigunakan untuk memindahkan bahan tersebut dari suatu tempat ke tempat yang lain.
Material: Rubber / silicon
Clean: Cukup gunakan larutan air dan sabun lalu bilas dengan menggunakan air bersih.

3.Butcher knife

Function :Alat yang digunakan untuk memotong daging,  pisau ini digunakkan khusus di section butcher.
Material: Stainless steel
Clean: Cuci dengan menggunakan campuran  air sabun lalu bilas dengan air bersih.

DAILY REPORT 13-11-2019


Hay hay guys welcome back to my blog, today i comeback to tell you my activity in kitchen, so don`t forget to read my blog until end guy, Check it out.

Today i am wake up at 05:00, i am pray and take bath. after that i am prepare my toll bag and use my cloth for practice, after all completed i am go to campus. 

Until arrive in campus i am put out the prepare we are make before, and i give to main kitchen and could kitchen for continue processed make burger, beef wallington , pho bo, empek-empek, and sandwich. 

After i give all the beef, squid, fish, and smoked beef. i continue for prepare tomorrow, and this the last day we are prepare in butcher, i towing, fat out, and cut beef for make rendang. 

After my prepare finis, and restaurant open i help Adit for plating beef wallington and take in restaurant for serving. after all finish and restaurant close order. we are GC because at 03:00 kitchen already clean and finish. 

After GC we are pray for moslem and all woman continue with learn about religion, and the male continue GC, and i am very tired because we are not completed anyone's permission and sick. i am pick up water, i am brush the floor and mop floor. So i am very tired. 

And until kitchen clean and all finish for check we are one line for come back to home together. 

Maybe that all from me guys, thanks for read. And PEACH OUT 

If you feel your burden is heavier than others,
it's because God sees you stronger than others

DAILY REPORT 11-11-2019


Hello guys, welcome back to my blog this week is the last we are practice in kitchen before we final and go for training so sad for left campus and kitchen but we are must go for get experience in another place, and but today i am back to tell you what we are doing in kitchen again. 

Today i am wake up at 05:00 i am take bath after that i am pray, and i am check my toll bag and prepare my self iron my cloth and after neat i am go to campus. 

After i am arrive in campus at 07:00 we are ceremony heroes day, after ceremony i am changes my cloth i am use practice cloth. After that we are go to kitchen for prepare. but before that we are one line for division we are section.

And today my group get butcher section, and we are towing all beef for beef belington, patty, rendang. and fish, i am fillet the fish and after that i am cut beef for rendang but before that i am out the fat after cut tilted.

After all in butcher ready, i am put in chiller and tomorrow we are give in main kitchen, could kitchen section for continue.

maybe that all from me guys thank you for stay and read my blog see you i  the next blog, and PEACH OUT. 


Selasa, 12 November 2019

DAILY REPORT 12-11-2019


Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. don`t forget for read until end guys, and the closer we part go to training. 

Today i wake up at 05:00 i am take bath and after that pray. i want go to campus like usually day but today heavy rain so i am late go to campus. after low rain i am after that i am go to campus. 

After i am arrive in campus, i am towing all prepare we are make yesterday, and after towing i give all prepare beef and fish to main kitchen and cool kitchen section.

After that my group make prepare for tomorrow and i am towing beef for make rendang and i help my group for fillet fish,

After that we are help another group for plating and take in service because restaurant has opened, after restaurant close we are clean the are and after that i am put prepare in butcher we made before in chiller. 

After that we are GC, after all clear and clean, we are come back to home together. 

Basic cutting fish:

Basic cutting beef:

Perhaps basic cutting can you try and add your knowledge, thanks for read guys see you in the next blog, PEACH OUT. 

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor can a person be successful without challenges

DAILY REPORT 29-08-2019


Hello hello guys. welcome again to my blog, today i am back to tell you story in kitchen after we are long holiday, and this the firs blog in semester III. OK today i am back to tell you what we are doing and what happened in kitchen today. So stay tune for read. 

Today i am wake up at 06:00 and pray first after that i am take bath and prepare my self for go to campus, but before i am go i am check my tool bag and grooming, and after all completed i am go to campus. 

Then I immediately took out the preparation in the Chiller. Then I fry crackers.

Next, I prepare long beans and banana heart, then cut it, then boil it to make Lawar Pakis.

After finishing boil, long bean blanch then mix all the ingredients that have been prepared.

The clock showed 11:45 It was time for us to break for the midday prayer. I then returned to the locker and then headed to the Mosque for Prayers. After prayer we prepare food for the nation's children.

We eat and then do general cleaning. At 15.00 everything is fine and for men it is welcome to go home because they will do the Routine that is Study.

17:35 hours we also One line Then distributed paper to do the survey then we go home. A few stories My activities Today, thank you for reading my blog.


2 Bunch Fern tips
1 pcs Grated coconut
As needed Bird's eye chillies
As needed Salt
2 pcs Kaffir lime
1 bunch of Lemon Basil
As needed Sugar
As needed Shrimp paste
As needed Sugar

1. blanch fern tips
2. Puree bird's eye chillie, shrimp paste and salt using stone mortar
3. Saute coconut without oil until dried

4. Mix fern tips, chilli, lemon basil and put kaffir lime. Mix well

It`s all from me guys thank for read, and peach out. 

If we compare it, then human civilization is just like a wheel. Continue to spin. Ups and down. Following the cycle

DAILY REPORT 27-08-2019


Hello guys welcome back to my blog today i am come back to tell you what we are doing in kitchen today, this the second day we are practice a la carte 2. keep stay in my blog and read until end guys, check it out. 

today i am wake up at 05:00 i am take bath and pray, after that i am prepare my toll bag and use cloth, after that i am go to campus.

After i am arrive in campus i am continue the prepare and help my group for make Vegetable Tagliatelle. I prepared Carrot and Turnip then dragged and then in Blach. After That Saute With Olive Oil and Garlic which has been chop Then added seasoning.

Then I prepare to make pickles and tomato sauce for the next menu.

Well, it was a tiring day for a class leader in the kitchen  After everything was finished I started cleaning the trash, checking the temperature, closing the window and collecting all the input material that had been used by friends.

Maghrib Adhan Already Sounded We immediately rushed to the evening prayer then after that we were one line and then went home respectively.

    Thanks. .
Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatu

150 ml Vegetable oil
200 gr Shallots, peeled and sliced
100 gr Garlic, peeled and sliced
375 gr Red chillies, seeded and sliced
375 gr Cierd's eye chillies, left whole
50 gr Palm sugar, chopped
1 1/2 Shrimp paste, roasted Tomatoes, peeled and seeded
1 Tbsp Lime juice
To Taste Salt

1.Heat oil in heavy saucepan over moderate high heat. Add shallots and garlic, saute until golden.
2. Add the chillies and saute until the chillies are soft, then add palm sugar and shrimp paste. Saute until sugar caramelises.
3. Add tomatoes and saute until tomatoes are soft. Remove I from heat and leave to cool. Add small amounts of water if Idry.
4. Coarsely grind cooled ingredients using a mortar and pestle or a blender (processor).
5. Just sauce to taste with lime juice and salt before serving.

250 ml of water
250 gr Sugar
250 ml Rice vinegar
50 gr Ginger
1 Stalk Lemon grass
A pinch salt
3 pcs Cucumber, halved lengthways, cored and sliced
10 pcs 9peeled and quartered Shallots
10 pcs Bird's eye chillies

1. Combine water, sugar, vinegar, lemon grass, and salt in a Saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer for 1 minutes.
2. Remove from heat and leave to cool thoroughly
3. Combine remaining ingredients and mix well with cooled dressing.
4. Refrigerate for 24 hours before serving at room temperature.

That all from me guys thanks for read, and PEACH OUT


DAILY REPORT 14-11-2019

14-11-2019 LAST DAY PRACTICE ( A LA CARTE 2) Hello guys welcome back to my blog, today i am back to tell you what we are doing in kit...