Selasa, 30 Juli 2019



ASSALAMUALAIKUM guys, welcome to my blog again before i tell you story in kitchen i want to ask you, how are you today i hope very good and always in ALLAH protection, amin. oke guys today i can tell you again about recipe and how to make it, so don't take to long, check it out.

Today i am and my group make soup saudara and sayur labu santan, and i am make soup saudara, and the recipe and procedure are: 
1kg- Beef shoulder or brisket cut into 500g pieces
200gr- Fried beef lung
4-5L- Beef stock
5- Kaffir lime leaves bruivd
10cm- Cinnamon stick
150ml- Evaporated milk
3 tbsp- Vegetable or coconut oil for frying


2 tbsp- Fried shallots
100 gr- Glass noodles, soaked in warm water for 15 minutes


2 tbsp- Coconut Oil
60 gr- Shallots peeled and sliced
30 gr- Garlic peeled and sliced
30- Galangal peeled and finely sliced
30 gr- Ginger peeled and finely sliced
100 gr- Large red chilies halves seeded and sliced
20 gr- Candle nuts roasted and Gushed
1/2 gr- Shrimp paste (pens)
1 tbsp- Coriander seeds roasted and crushed
1 tbsp- Cumin seeds toasted
1/2 tbsp- Nutmeg ground
1/2 tbsp- Black pepper crushed
2 stalks- Lemongrass pulsed
2- Salam leaves
30 gr- Tamarind pulp soaked in 150 ml water for 10 minutes. Stain through a fine sieve
1/2 tbsp- Salt to taste 
3 tbsp- Vegetable or coconut oil for laying


1. To make the spice paste, combine all Ingredients except lemongrass, salam leaves and tamarind in stone molar or food processor and grind Into Very fine paste, Place ground Ingredients Into pressure cooker add remaining Ingredients except tamarind juice and saute over medium teat until spices an ' fragrant.
2. Fill the cooker with beef stock and bring to boil.( in traditional South Sulawesi cuisine cooks would use the water in which the rice was soaked in for 20 minutes before cooking) Add kaffir lime leaves. cinnamon stick and strained tamarind juice.
3. Heat 3 tablespoon of oil in frying pan and quickly brown the beef shoulder evenly on each side. This will add a meaner flavor to the broth.
4. Place meat into beef soup, bring back to boil, and skim of scum
5. pressure cook at a gauge pressure of I bar/ IS psi for 75 minutes. Start timing wren lull pasture is readied. the cooker cool for 30 minutes.
6.Remove cover, take out meat and Into small bite size peaces and warm  in beef soup before serving 
7. Add evaporated   milk to beef soup and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Season to taste with salt and a generous squeeze of lime juice. Garnish soup with glass noodles, potato patties, fried shallots, slice spring onions and fried beef lunge.
8. Serve with rice cakes or steamed rice and spicy tomato sauce.

After my soup saudara finished, i am help my group for make sayur labu santan. after that i am help another group for make jalang kote, until 01:00 oclock all buffet menu out in restaurant after that we are gc and launch together after we are go to home.

So how you opinion? very exciting right... and perhaps that all from me today thank you for read assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu, AND PEACH OUT. 




ASSALAMUALAIKUM guys, apa kabar kalian hari ini? mudah mudahan selalu baik yaa dan selalu dalam lindungan allah, amin. hari ini saya kembali di blog ini dan menceritakan proses dan tentunya recipe dari apa yang kami buat hari ini, oke jangan tunggu lama lama check it out.

hari ini saya ke kampus pada jam 06:30 dan kami melanjudakan prepare sop saudara. kami cepat datang karna, pak ical memberitahu makanan harus redy jam 8. dan semua selesai pada jam 04:00. 

Dan recipe dari soup saudara adalah: 
1kg- Beef shoulder or brisket cut into 500g pieces
200gr- Fried beef lung
4-5L- Beef stock
5- Kaffir lime leaves bruivd
10cm- Cinnamon stick
150ml- Evaporated milk
3 tbsp- Vegetable or coconut oil for frying

2 tbsp- Fried shallots
100 gr- Glass noodles, soaked in warm water for 15 minutes

2 tbsp- Coconut Oil
60 gr- Shallots peeled and sliced
30 gr- Garlic peeled and sliced
30- Galangal peeled and finely sliced
30 gr- Ginger peeled and finely sliced
100 gr- Large red chilies halves seeded and sliced
20 gr- Candle nuts roasted and Gushed
1/2 gr- Shrimp paste (pens)
1 tbsp- Coriander seeds roasted and crushed
1 tbsp- Cumin seeds toasted
1/2 tbsp- Nutmeg ground
1/2 tbsp- Black pepper crushed
2 stalks- Lemongrass pulsed
2- Salam leaves
30 gr- Tamarind pulp soaked in 150 ml water for 10 minutes. Stain through a fine sieve
1/2 tbsp- Salt to taste 
3 tbsp- Vegetable or coconut oil for laying

1. To make the spice paste, combine all Ingredients except lemongrass, salam leaves and tamarind in stone molar or food processor and grind Into Very fine paste, Place ground Ingredients Into pressure cooker add remaining Ingredients except tamarind juice and saute over medium teat until spices an ' fragrant.
2. Fill the cooker with beef stock and bring to boil.( in traditional South Sulawesi cuisine cooks would use the water in which the rice was soaked in for 20 minutes before cooking) Add kaffir lime leaves. cinnamon stick and strained tamarind juice.
3. Heat 3 tablespoon of oil in frying pan and quickly brown the beef shoulder evenly on each side. This will add a meaner flavor to the broth.
4. Place meat into beef soup, bring back to boil, and skim of scum
5. pressure cook at a gauge pressure of I bar/ IS psi for 75 minutes. Start timing wren lull pasture is readied. the cooker cool for 30 minutes.
6.Remove cover, take out meat and Into small bite size peaces and warm  in beef soup before serving 
7. Add evaporated   milk to beef soup and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Season to taste with salt and a generous squeeze of lime juice. Garnish soup with glass noodles, potato patties, fried shallots, slice spring onions and fried beef lunge.
8. Serve with rice cakes or steamed rice and spicy tomato sauce.

Setelah semua bahan tercampur dan kami menunggu matang dan saya mencicipi rasanya sangat lezat dan gurih,setelah matang, saya membantu kelompok lain untuk menggoreng jalang kote. dan setelah semua selesai kami membersihkan area dan membawa makanan di restoran, setelah itu kami gc dan setelah semua bersih dan rapih, yang di tunggu tunggu adalah anak bangsa yaitu makan bersama teman dari hasil yang telah di masak tadi. 

Bagaimana cerita hari ini guys seru kan? makaya tunggu daily report selanjudnya, saya berterimah kasih telah membaca guys, maaf jika ada salah kata cukup sampai di sini saja blog saya hari ini assalamualaikumwarahmatullahi wabarakatu. AND PEACH OUT,A


Senin, 29 Juli 2019



Hello hello guys. welcome again to my blog, today i am back to tell you story in kitchen after we are long holiday, and this the firs blog in semester III. OK today i am back to tell you what we are doing and what happened in kitchen today. So stay tune for read. 

Today i am wake up at 06:00 and pray first after that i am take bath and prepare my self for go to campus, but before i am go i am check my tool bag and grooming, and after all completed i am go to campus. 

Until i am arrive in campus we discuss home work for translate given by chef Faisal. And chef Faisal instruct for one line in front of kitchen. and absent we are name one by one, and chef Faisal very angry because my friend not do home work and not completed. we are told for go home by chef Faisal. 

But chef Faisal give time until 10:00, and i am and my group do for translate. after 10:00 we are finish and report in chef Faisal, but rejected because we are use google translate chef Faisal say, but we are not use. 

But we are keep try for translate, and until 03:00 we are report again in chef Faisal and chef Faisal delivered we are translate, we entered kitchen but just help another group for prepare and after finish prepare we are GC, after GC we are come back to home together. 

Ok guys perhaps that all from me thank you for read, AND PEACH OUT 




Hay hay guys kembali lagi di blog saya hari ini saya akan kembali bercerita lagi setelah libur panjang dan pada hari ini saya kembli lagi di kitchen untuk melakukan aktifitas seperti biasanya. oke guys hari ini saya akan kembali bercerita apa saja dan apa saja yang terjadi di kitchen hari ini, jadi tetap membaca sampai habis ya guys. 

Hari ini saya bangun pada jam 06:00 saya shalat dan setelah itu saya mandi dan berpakaian dan memeriksa grooming dan mengecek toll bag, setelah semua lengkap saya pun berangkat ke kampus, dan sesampai di kampus kami cerita tentang tugas yang di berikan chef faisal saat GC pada hari jum'at. 

Kami di perintahkan untuk translite method sous vide dari thomas keller. kami si perintahkan oleh chef faisal untuk one line di depan kitchen untuk memeriksa tugas, dan chef fasial sangat marah karna banyak yang tidak mengerjakan dan tidak lengkap.

Semua yang tidak mengerjakan dan tidak lengkap di perintahan untuk pulang, tapi kami tetap menunggu kepastian dan setelah itu chef faisal memberikan waktu sampai jam 10 untuk melengkapinya, setelah jam 10 tugas saya dan kelompok saya pun selesai. saya dan teman teman menghadap ke chef faisal. tapi tidak di terima karna katanya kami menggunakan google translite. tapi kami mengerjakannya tidak menggunakan google translite, cuman memang bukunya yang artinya kalau di sambungkan artinya terbalik balik jadi begitulah. 

Dan setelah itu kami mencoba mengerjakanya kembali dan selesai pada jam 3, kami menghadap kembali di chef faisal dan alhamdulillah di terima, tapi chef faisal mengtakan masuk ke kitchen tapi hanya bantu teman yang sedang prepare karna sudah sore. dan setelah itu kami GC dan shalat maghrib. setelah itu kami one line dan pulang ke rumah masing masing. 

mungkin itu saja yang saya ceritakan hari ini guys sangat menegangkan bukan? tapi seprti itulah mau tidak mau harus di jalankan. oke guys keep strong thank you for read AND PEACH  OUT. 


DAILY REPORT 14-11-2019

14-11-2019 LAST DAY PRACTICE ( A LA CARTE 2) Hello guys welcome back to my blog, today i am back to tell you what we are doing in kit...